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The "visitReport"-section determines all export-settings regarding the snapADDY VisitReport. An empty visitReport looks like this (Notice the "*"):
"visitReport": {
"mappings": {
"*": {}
"workflows": {
"*": {}
"components": {
"*": {}
This is a list of the available variables used in the VisitReport mapping.
- QUESTIONID = questionMappingId
- OPTIONID = questionOptionMappingId
You can create multiple mappings for different templates by exchanging the "*", which is a variable for "applies to all templates", with the MappingId of the desired template
The MappingIds, aswell as the QuestionId can be found using the Mapping Helper
Variable | Behaviour |
_answers['QUESTIONID'] | The answer of the referenced |
visitreport.title | The title of the visitreport |
visitreport.campaignId | The campaign ID entered in the template settings |
visitreport.customFields.KEY | The custom key value entered in the template settings |
visitreport.result['QUESTIONID'].question | Question title in current DataQuality / export language |
visitreport.result['QUESTIONID'].title | Defined option label in current DataQuality / export language |
visitreport.result['QUESTIONID'].text | User input, in case of multiple input options (;-delimited) |
visitreport.result['QUESTIONID'].data | Values set for each selected questionOption (only used in select + multiselect) or if no Value is set the User Input (;-delimited) |
visitreport.result['QUESTIONID'].value | Values for each selected questionOption (;-delimited) |
visitreport.result['QUESTIONID'].options['OPTIONID'] | More detailed information about the selected/answered options |
visitreport.result['QUESTIONID'].options['OPTIONID'].title | Title of the question in current DataQuality/export language |
visitreport.result['QUESTIONID'].options['OPTIONID'].text | null if not filled/selected else User input for specific option (useful for multiple input options) |
visitreport.result['QUESTIONID'].options['OPTIONID'].data | null if not filled/selected else userinput or value or label |
visitreport.result['QUESTIONID'].options['OPTIONID'].value | null if not filled/selected else questionoption.value |
created | timestamp when the report was created in ISO format |
checked | true, if the report was checked, false if not |
checkedAt | timestamp when the report was created in ISO format, null if not checked |
createdBy | returns the e-mail address of the user who created the report |