Choose a topic:
They can be used for Excel imports in DataQuality, when custom fields are needed. You can access the created custom fields by using the "id" in the mapping. The "id" always has to start with "c_".
"customFields": [
"type": "INPUT",
"id": "c_description",
"label": {
"DE": "Beschreibung",
"GB": "Description"
"properties": {
"defaultValue": ""
"type": "SELECT",
"id": "c_productInterest",
"label": {
"DE": "Produktinteresse",
"GB": "Product interest"
"properties": {
"defaultValue": "",
"options": [
"label": {
"DE": "",
"GB": ""
"value": ""
"label": {
"DE": "snapADDY DataQuality",
"GB": "snapADDY DataQuality"
"value": "snapaddy_dataQuality"
"label": {
"DE": "snapADDY VisitReport",
"GB": "snapADDY VisitReport"
"value": "snapaddy_visitreport"
"type": "MULTI_SELECT",
"id": "c_followup",
"label": {
"DE": "Nächste Schritte",
"GB": "Next Steps"
"properties": {
"defaultValue": "",
"options": [
"label": {
"DE": "Angebot zusenden",
"GB": "Send offer"
"value": "send_offer"
"label": {
"DE": "Termin vereinbaren",
"GB": "Schedule appoinment"
"value": "schedule_appoinment"
"label": {
"DE": "Kundenbesuch",
"GB": "Customer visit"
"value": "customer_visit"
"type": "DATE",
"id": "c_date",
"label": {
"DE": "Follow-Up Termin",
"GB": "Follow-Up Appointment"
"properties": {
"defaultValue": ""