snapADDY provides a set of pre-defined variables which allow you to make mappings more flexible. Mapping variables represent standard recurring values, such as first name or email address, that you can map to the corresponding fields in your CRM system

German English apiName
Vorname FirstName {{ firstName }}
Nachname Last name {{ lastName }}
Firma Company {{ organization }}
Anrede Salutation {{ gender }}*
Titel/Akademischer Grad Title/Academic Title {{ title }}
Funktion Position {{ position }}
Telefon Phone {{ phone }}
Mobil Mobile {{ mobile }}
Fax Fax {{ fax }}
E-Mail E-Mail {{ email }}
Website Website {{ website }}
Straße + Nr. Street + Nr. {{ street }}
Straße Street {{ parseStreet(street).street }}*
Hausnummer Housenumber {{ parseStreet(street).number }}*
Adresszusatz Address Line 2 {{ street2 }}
PLZ ZIP / Postalcode {{ zip }}
PoBox PoBox {{ poBox }}
Ort City {{ city }}
Land Country {{ country }}*
Bundesland State {{ state }}*
USt-IdNr. Vat {{ vat }}
Umsatz Revenue {{ revenue }}
Branche Industry {{ industry }}*
Firmengröße Company Size {{ companySize }}
Profil-Link (Xing) Profil-Link (Xing) {{ xing }}
Profil-Link (LinkedIn) Profil-Link (LinkedIn) {{ linkedin }}
Notiz Note {{ note }}
Report ID Report ID {{ index }}
Report ID Teilnehmer Report ID participant {{ childIndex }}
Special default fields
Field name Behaviour
{{ gender }} returns -1 when no gender could be determined
returns 0 when DataQuality determines the contact to be male
returns 1 when DataQuality determines the contact to be female
{{ country }} DataQuality automatically determines the country ISO codes
{{ state }} DataQuality automatically determines the state ISO codes
{{ industry }} DataQuality automatically determines industry codes
{{ createdBy }} returns the e-mail address of the user signed in to DataQuality/creator of a VisitReport
e.g. ""
{{ createdByName }} returns the full name of the user signed in to DataQuality/creator of a VisitReport
e.g. "Max Mustermann"
{{ crmUserId }} returns the CRM user id of the user signed in to DataQuality/creator of a VisitReport
must be set in the user management settings
{{ crmUsername }} returns the CRM user name of the user signed in to DataQuality/creator of a VisitReport
must be set in the user management settings
parseStreet is an internal function that can be used to differ between the housenumber and the street name. It parses the given information and returns an object with the two attributes street and number.