The "components"-section determines the view of the export modal. You can hide fields, make them mandatory, lock them or set a maximum field length. It is only necessary to add a configuration here if you want to make a change to the default setting.
The components for a basic mapping are already predetermined and can be copied here
The order of the fields contained in components represents the order of the fields in the snapADDY ExportView
Fields that are not included in "components" will appear at the top of the Export View
The type of the component must match the type in the CRM field
Fields that appear multiple times in an Entity's components, will appear multiple times in the ExportView
For field that are mandatory in the CRM, it is highly recommended to set these fields to "required" in the components too, in order to avoid errors during the export
Components of fields that are not used in the mapping might cause errors, so make sure to remove all components that are not necessary
One option can be selected.
Note: By default the options will be fetched from the FieldDefinitions, unless they are overwritten in the properties of that component. When overwriting the option, watch out that the values match with the fieldDefinitions
Multiple options can be selected
Note: By default the options will be fetched from the fieldDefinitions, unless they are overwritten by the properties of that component. When overwriting the option, watch out that the values match with the fieldDefinitions
{"ContactFirstName":{"id":"ContactFirstName","type":"input","label":{"en":"FirstName","de":"Vorname"},"detailsLabel":{"en":"The First Name of the contact","de":"Der Vorname des Kontaktes"}}}
List with all available properties:
Field will be hidden in export view. Value will be sent
If the field is empty, the export will not be possible
Value will always be sent, even if not modified
Id the maxLength is exceeded, a popup notifies the user (field type input only)
defaultValue, the defaultValue will be exported
Field cannot be modified, always uses the value received from the CRM