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Getting Started
With snapADDY you can use the already existing out-of-the-box interfaces with your CRM system. The interface is plug'n'play. Just connect to your CRM system with one of the snapADDY products and directly create or update contact information for standard fields (such as name, company, address, …). Many customers use custom...
snapADDY Mapping characteristics The mapping document is one single file. It is written in JSON syntax. This mapping file can be created, deleted and edited in the snapADDY dashboard. Some general points on working with the mapping document: JSON, as well as all the snapADDY Keywords are case sensitive. The...
Section: integrations
The integration is the connection between the data from the snapADDY DataQuality, CardScanner or VisitReport and your CRM system. An empty integration for DataQuality- and VisitReport-Export looks like this: "integrations": { "CRM_System_Name": { "meta": { }, "defaultExport": { }, "visitReport": { }, "code": { } } } Multiple connections to...
Section: meta
The "meta"-section is necessary for assigning the internal declaration of the entities in your CRM system to generic attributes in the mapping. (Every entity that is declared in meta will be included in the FieldDefinitions when downloaded, provided they exist in the CRM. ) –> "fielddefinitions" : {} Depending on...
Section: defaultExport
The "defaultExport"-section determines all export-settings regarding the snapADDY DataQuality. An empty defaultExport looks like this: "defaultExport": { "mappings": { "*": {} }, "workflows": { "*": {} }, "components": { "*": {} } }
Section: visitReport
The "visitReport"-section determines all export-settings regarding the snapADDY VisitReport. An empty visitReport looks like this (Notice the "*"): "visitReport": { "mappings": { "*": {} }, "workflows": { "*": {} }, "components": { "*": {} } } This is a list of the available variables used in the VisitReport mapping. QUESTIONID...
Section: workflows
The "workflows"-section determines the entities which should be created when exporting. In order to be exported, an entity must be defined in meta and must exist in the CRM System. Additional entities (that do not exist in the CRM System by default) can be created as "subEntities", so that they...
Section: mappings
The mappings branch is where the actual field mapping happens. All the entities that should be exported need to appear in this branch as well. Every entity has its own mapping. An empty mapping could look like this (the entity names may vary, depending on the CRM): "mappings": { "*":...
Section: variables
snapADDY provides a set of pre-defined variables which allow you to make mappings more flexible. Mapping variables represent standard recurring values, such as first name or email address, that you can map to the corresponding fields in your CRM system German English apiName Vorname FirstName {{ firstName }} Nachname Last...
Section: components
The "components"-section determines the view of the export modal. You can hide fields, make them mandatory, lock them or set a maximum field length. It is only necessary to add a configuration here if you want to make a change to the default setting. The components for a basic mapping...
Section: customFields
They can be used for Excel imports in DataQuality, when custom fields are needed. You can access the created custom fields by using the "id" in the mapping. The "id" always has to start with "c_". Examples: { "customFields": [ { "type": "INPUT", "id": "c_description", "label": { "DE": "Beschreibung", "GB":...
Section: notifications
In the "notifications"-section you can configure a feature that allows you to notify colleagues about new reports. Notification mails can be triggered either by exporting reports from the app or by checking reports in the dashboard. It is also possible to define conditions that have to be fulfilled for the...
Section: documentation
It is possible to add documentation into the snapADDY mapping, however this is not mandatory and it will not have any effect on the export result. It helps to document the progress of development and offers to note down the changes and its editor in the mapping file. There is...
Section: debugging
Debugging is very important step in the mapping process. The snapADDY DataQuality has a powerful debug console, that can be opened by pressing [F12] in the DataQuality window. This opens a new DevTool debug console window. Make sure that "Console" is selected in the top row. This will give you...
Section: code
The code branch allows to write simple code functions in JavaScript that can be executed in the mapping. This can be useful, when field values differ from the standard variables and functions. Just remember to put code in the accustomed brackets. The functions can be executed via "{{ execute(functionName) }}"...